Some of the students of BrightSpark Academy share their experience with you below.

E Patel, Birmingham University
E Patel, Birmingham University
I worked with JJ on my maths for about three years, and my maths had a major improvement. She boosted my confidence a lot and made me reach my full potential. thank you JJ

M Patel, Nottingham Trent University Graduate
M Patel, Nottingham Trent University Graduate
I worked with Milan whilst he was in Years 10, 11 and 13. He returned to me in the final year of his Business Degree and see what he had to say in testimonials!

E Hughes, Nottingham University
E Hughes, Nottingham University
My experience with JJ was excellent and if you want someone to talk to as well as help you with your school work, it is JJ.
I was able to pull my English GCSE grades by two levels! I acheived and A last year and I am now doing A'Levels

C Marshall Dowe, Moulton College
C Marshall Dowe, Moulton College
I am really pleased with my progress in maths as JJ has given me the confidence for class, as she has given me clear, simple and effective methods for gcse maths, making it easier to deal with, because before JJ mentored me, i didnt go into class underdstanding how to confront maths problems, since then, JJ helped me understand through good methods, making maths a subject i look forward to.