Creative Writing...
Creative Writing...
In collaboration with two Year Six students a short mystery novel was written in Spring Term 2018! This can be achieved with any of my students who are currently having English tuition. I expect more novels to be added to our portfolio; however this, 'Twisted Secrets' is the first!

GCSE English Students Field Trip
GCSE English Students Field Trip
Several students and myself attended a well known local poetry event Knock Knock March 2018 - in which one of the main speakers (pictured here) was a previous student at BrightSpark Academy!
Loved that incredible circle of events
BrightSpark RED HOT RESTAURANT PARTY - Everyone came out in January 2013 to enjoy the cuisine in Sixfields.
Here’s some delights of the day!
Here’s some delights of the day!

Annual event (2011) - BrightSpark LASER ZONE & HULABALOO PARTYregistered an attendance of 26!
Students before and after our Party Day!
Students before and after our Party Day!

Annual event (2010) - BrightSpark PIZZA PARTY BONANZA

. . . twenty-one of our twenty-four students attended and fun was had by all. . .
Watch this space for future events and thanks once again to parents and students for making it a success. JJx
The Annual Student's BBQ held in 2009 on Saturday 12th September was the highest attended event in the last three years! All but thirteen students came along and we were all able to connect and enjoy a relaxing Saturday afternoon. Thank you to everyone for attending and thanks to parents who gave support!